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The Construction Playbook – Key Points

  • The UK Government on the 8th December released their “Construction Playbook”.
  • The policy document outlines the 14 key policy areas for “how the government should assess, procure and deliver public works projects and programmes”.
  • The expectation is that all UK central government departments and their “arms length” bodies are to follow on a ‘comply or explain’ basis.
  • The guidance document can be found here. The document was also accompanied with a Procurement Policy Note that can be found here.
construction playbook
The UK’s Construction Playbook released by the UK Government on 8th Dec 2020

The Construction Playbook – Essential Reading this Holiday (or Lockdown)

For those UK construction professionals who use the holiday period (or the latest Covid-19 shutdown) to catch-up on industry research and reports this will be essential reading.

The Editor

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